Art. 1 (Name) This association shall be called ¡º KERNELS' GATHERING ¡»
Art. 2 (Objective) (¸ñÀû) It shall be the objectives of this association for the members to persevere with the Catholic creed and propagate the Catholic ideas, to help human rights and to support the integrity and the security of our country.
Art. 3 (Efforts) Our efforts are as follows;
1. Regular communal prayers,
2. Examination of allegations, alleged facts and situations, untrue and harmful to the Catholic creed, or contrary to human rights and the security of our country,
3. Theological and philosophical study with regard to the above paragraph 2,
4. Cultural, legal, economic and political study with regard to the above paragraph 2,
5. Meetings or symposiums with regard to the above paragraph 2,
6. Translation with regard to the above paragraph 2 through 5,
7. Mailing letters with regard to the above paragraph 2 through 6,
8. Making public to the faithful through internet-site, blog, e-mail, fax, newspaper or broadcast with regard to the above paragraph 2 through 6,
9. This association shall do no activities except the above 8 activities, unless otherwise voted by the annual or special Meeting.
Art. 4 (Method of efforts)This association shall do efforts by means of;
1. Modest and candid way,
2. Daring to do activities shunned by people of status and fame that are thought to be worthless before God,
3. Focusing on support for the faithful's truthful and mature judgments.
Art. 5 (Membership) The membership of this association shall be approved by the Managing Committee.
Art. 6 (Meeting)
1. The annual Meetings shall be called by the President on the day set by the Managing Committee during January each year. The specia Meetings may be called by the President upon the decision of the Managing Committee.
2. The notice of the Meeting shall be delivered through e-mail, fax, or telephone not less than 7 days before the date of the annual Meeting.
3. The annual and special Meeting shall be presided at by the President and may pass a resolution by majority of Members present at the Meeting, while the amendment to this Charter need more than two thirds of Members present at the Meeting.
4. In case Members exceed 500 persons, each representative elected by each group designated by Managing Committee shall constitute the annual and special Meeting.
5. The annual or special Meeting shall decide the election of the President and Directors, the approval of Vice President and Secretary, the approval of the closing of the account and the approval of the budget, the proviso in paragraph 9 Art. 3, the Membership dismissal, the amendment to this Charter, the rules and matters deemed appropriate or important.
Art. 7 (Spiritual Counselor) This association could ask a priest to counsel spiritually.
Art. 8 (Managing Committee)
1. President, Vice President, Secretary and Directors shall constitute the Managing Committee.
President shall represent this association, supervise and control it's affairs and efforts.
Vice President shall perform the duties of President in the event of his inevitable inability.
Secretary shall assist President with custody of the records and files, and shall be in charge of money and accounts.
Each Director shall take the responsibility of research, letter, publication or finance, or may hold two concurrently.
2. President shall be elected by the annual or special Meeting.
Vice President and Secretary shall be nominated by President-elect and shall be approved by the Meeting.
Directors shall be elected and their number shall be decided by the Meeting.
3. The annual or special Meeting shall elect two auditors.
4. The tenure of President, Vice President, Secretary, Directors and Auditors shall be two years, except one year tenure of first Auditor.
5. In case of vacancy of Vice President or Secretary, President shall nominate the successor of remainder tenure under approval of Managing Committee.
In case of any vacancy of Director, Managing Committee may fill the post of remainder tenure.
6. Managing Committee decide the Membership approval, plans of efforts, activities and sharing with regard to paragraph 1 through 7 Art. 3, financial plans, employment and the other matters entrusted with by the Meeting..
7. Managing Committee shall be called by President whenever deemed necessary through e-mail, fax, telephone or message.
Auditor may attend and set forth his opinion at Managing Committee.
Art. 9 (Editors' meeting)
1. Managing Committee shall appoint and may dismiss Editor-in-chief or Staff-editors of the internet magazine of this association.
Editor-in-chief and Staff-editors constitute Editors' meeting.
Editor-in-chief shall set the course and content of it's edition being assisted by Staff-editors.
2. Secretary shall be Staff-editor concurrently.
3. President may attend and set forth his opinion at the Editors' meeting.
4. Editor-in-Chief may appoint and dismiss a manager.
5. Editor-in-Chief may nominate or dismiss voluntary reporters.
Art. 10 (Accounting)
1. Accounting shall be single-entry system, consisted of bankbooks, account books and documentary evidences.
2. Each receipt of a sum shall be put to this association's bank account, and each payment shall be made through a remit or a withdrawal from the account except that Secretary may pay in cash from the advanced sum of the withdrawal.
3. The bankbooks of this association shall be in the name of President and shall be carried by Secretary to put to and withdraw from them.
Secretary shall report at the beginning of the monthe details with the copy of the last month's bankbooks.
4. The fiscal year of this association shall begin on the 1st day of January and end on the 31st day of December each year.
Art. 11 (Revenue and Assets)
1. Members of this association may pay the sum of money set by himself for the cost of this association every another month of odd number.
2. This association may receive assets or money from Members or Supporters.
3. This association may be transformed to the legal foundation when assets have grown to a considerable amount.
After transformed to the foundation, Members of this association shall be Supporters of the foundation.
4. In case of dissolution of this association, all assets and money shall be donated to a association or a foundation with similar objectives according to the resolution of the annual or special Meeting.
Art. 12 (Auditor)
1. Before the annual Meeting of January each year, Auditor shall submit the audit report with the bankbooks, details of receipts and expenditures and evidence documents.
2. Auditor may inspect the records, the files and the accounting of Secretary, and may set forth his opinion to Managing Committee.
Art. 13 (Adviser, Counselor)
Managing Committee may nominate Adviser or Counselor to entrust with advice or counsel.
Art. 14 This Charter shall begin effective on January 7, 2006, the day of organization.