Buenos Aires, Oct. 04, 2006 (CNA) - On Tuesday Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation of Bishop Joaquin Pina Batllevell, SJ, of the Diocese of Puerto Iguazu, who recently caused a firestorm by forming and leading an independent political coalition to replace the controversial current governor of the Argentinean province of Missiones.
Bishop Pina submitted his resignation upon reaching the age of retirement, and as his successor, Pope Benedict appointed Father Marcelo Martorell, 61, a pastor from the city of Cordoba.
Until the installation of the new bishop, the Holy Father designated, as Apostolic Administrator of Puerto Iguazu, Archbishop Domingo Salvador Castagna of Corrientes.
Thus, Bishop Pena will no longer have a formal link to the diocese, although as a bishop he still remains subject to the canonical norms that apply to clergy seeking political involvement.