Bishop says continued attacks on human life will lead to self-destruction Abuja, Jan 25, 2007 (CNA).- The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Bishop Elio Sgreccia, denounced this week the different attacks on human life in all its stages, saying mankind is ¡°marching towards a self-genocide of the human race.¡± ¡°The weakness of the Christian community and the strength of secular society could spell disaster,¡± Bishop Sgreccia warned, and he urged all European citizens to work at reversing the trend. ¡°Up to now the culture of death has been accepted and this path leads to self-destruction.¡± He also noted the ¡°widespread mentality that trusts in bio-technological power.¡± Such powers, Sgreccia said aim ¡°to change the order of the human species¡± and to create ¡°men in the image and likeness of other men who have power.¡± Society is embracing this mentality and, ¡°it now defends the selecting of children so that each one is perfect, without defect, and the eliminating of those that do not fulfill these conditions,¡± he explained during a meeting with local journalists at the University of Saint Paul. Bishop Sgreccia called this nothing more than ¡°a craving for power¡± that stems from ¡°a false perception of the origins of man,¡± since ¡°no human being can state that he was born of his own choice, nor that he made himself.¡± ¡°This is the great lie upon which some seek to build this bio-technological omnipotence that aims to transform the very structure of human nature and in this way liberate it from all cultural precedent,¡± he stressed. Regarding euthanasia, Bishop Sgreccia warned that ¡°due to the profound secularization¡± man no longer has ¡°the spiritual energy to confront suffering,¡± and he has lost ¡°the sense of the transcendent.¡± The bishop also recalled the case of Terri Schiavo, emphasizing that the notion of ¡°extraordinary treatment¡± for patients should never include the fundamental needs of food, hydration and hygiene.