Why should we be "aware" of the current cultural, social situations of our Catholic Church in Korea?
Because the Church, Body of Christ, should be kept safeguarded and alive in blessing through our everyday lives.
We admit "being aware of" or "making aware of" is too much for us, for "announcing of Christ by a living testimony as well as by the spoken word takes on a specific quality and a special force in that it is carried out in the ordinary surrounding of the world (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church)."
But we also believe in and are dependent on His mercy that "where two or three are gathered in My name there am I in the midst of them (Mathew 18:20)."
So we begin praying and then we begin our discussion.
It is surprising for us to find out that many members of the Church have been handed out perverse suggestions and wrong ideas, which could lead us into individual or social crisis.
We are humbly obliged to voice our professional knowledge and no-nonsense understanding in order to be heard among our beloved members of the Church.
As we may make mistakes, being very feeble humans, we welcome adversary contentions and sincere discussions.
We understand that's the way we can become nearer to our God.
January 1. 2006.
SONG, Clara Jung-sook