On Jan 31, 2011., We have filed with the competent Church Tribunal, the 1stPetitions of the 3,408 faithful, who have signed them during 10 days after the advertisement of Chosun Daily dated Jan 18, 2011.(http://www.aware.co.krcarries the Petition text and its English translation)
Certain Priests deserve to stand trial of the Catholic Church Tribunal, for they have mounted a challenge to His Eminence Nicholas Cardinal Cheong¡¯s Magisterium, called, his righteous and just teaching with regard to the Restoration of Four Major Rivers(the Korean Public Works), a deceitful explanation (Codex IurisCanonici can. 273),denunciated the Superior byjeering at him by way of questioning ¡°whether or not he had sided with the Korean government because of his hidden weakness,¡± distorted his disappointment with North Korean situation as if ¡°he had stirred up hatred against North Korea,¡±(CDIC can.1390)and incited to animosity and disobedience to the Superior by pressuring and demanding his apology and resignation (CDIC can.1373).
They areRev. Augustinus HAM, Rev. Lucas AN, Rev. Petrus KIM(Taek-am), Rev. Eusebius YANG (of Seoul Archdiocese), Monsignor Philippus KIM, Rev. Petrus HWANG(of Inchon Diocese), Rev. Robertus AN, Rev. Joannes PARK(of Wonju Diocese), Rev. Joannes KWAK, Rev. Leo YEON(of Chiongju Diocese), Rev. Petrus SONG, Rev. Nicomedes PARK(of Pusan Diocese), Rev. Aloysius KIM, Rev. Edward LEE(of Masan Diocese), Rev. Thomas Aquinas CHEONG, Monsigor Pius CHO(of Kwangju Archdiocese), Rev. Bartholomeus MUN, Rev. Laurentius LEE(of Jeonju Diocese), Rev. Andreas BANG, Rev. Joannes AN, Rev. Albertus RYU, Rev. Andreas BAE(of Suwon Diocese), Rev. MoysesKWON(of Daegu Archdiocese), Rev. Simon LIM(of Cheju Diocese), Rev. Franciscus Xavier KIM(of Daejon Diocese).
We also petitioned the Church Tribunal to ascertain and punish certain priests who have written the illegal public statement of Dec 10, 2010., or consented to it, anonymously behind the name shield of so-called CPAJ.
Since the statement of CCK of Mar 12, 2010. provided a starting point for the obstruction campaign of RFMR(the Korean Pulic Works),His Eminence Nicholas Cardinal Cheong has been known to have worried much about disturbance to the faithful¡¯s peace of conscience the CCK statement would cause. He has settled the issueby historically just and legitimate judgment out of pastoral care.His Eminence has clarified that (¡°the faithful could dissent from or support to the Public Works for Restoration of Four Major Rivers of the Republic of Korea, as long as abiding by the principle of protection of environment.¡±)
It is doubtful that the subject matter of RFMR had been officially noticed in advance, formally introduced and discussed, on the agenda, at CCK of March 2010.
And, in its contents, the statement has untrue main parts.
The statement, quoting a part of the Article 48, did not quoted the other part which had better quote for mature discernment.
CCK¡¯s statement shall not hold sway or infringe the teaching authority of the Ordinary of any diocese with regard to such matters as RFMR(CDIC can.455).However Most Rev. KANG, president of CCK, has taught that ¡°the opinion of the statement of CCK against the Korean Public Works on the Restoration of Four Major Rivers was told and issued by the Bishops. Since Bishops are authoritative scholars and teachers with regard to faith, every Catholic faithful should obey and follow the opinion. Anyone who is the Cathlic faithful is not allowed to argue with or dissent from the opinion.¡±We understand that this teaching is the abuse of authority, the violation of CDIC can.455 #4 and therefore invalid.We, the faithful, do cordially request Most. Rev. Petrus KANG, the President of CCK, to revoke the above erroneous teaching.
Relying on Bishop KANG¡¯s illegal and arbitrary remarks, the priests of
so-called CPAJ, have dared to mount the challenge tothe Archbishop
andthe highest among Superiors of Korean Church.
The unthinkable happened in Catholic Church of Korea.
For all the sermons by members of CPAJ or other priests under its influence, let¡¯snot become tepidi.
Priests, we have respect for, counsel us to requestthe priestfor correction, in case his sermon is seriously wrong, orto give warning to the superior overseeing nuns who are indiscreet in street demonstration, and emphasize that correction and warning is the faithful¡¯s mission and right.
Unless the illegal organization such as CPAJ dissolve itself, our Petition will continue2nd, 3rd ¡¦ Petition.
1.You may write and sign as follows; and send by mail, fax or e-mail.
¡°I(or we) sign the same Petition as in Advertisement on Jan 18, 2011.
name, christian name address telephone sign¡±
*Only the christened Catholic is eligible to sitgn.
The text of the Advertisement is carried on http://www.aware.co.kr, and is printable.
2.You may click on image of ¡®Petition¡¯ in the above website, enter andsign the Petition.
Address to mail: #1205 Samsung Cheil Bldg. Yoksamdong Seoul 135-751
¡°the Catholic Faithful for Defense of Magisterium¡±
Tel 02-527-2929 Fax 02-527-4455
e-mail: webmaster@aware.co.kr http://www.aware.co.kr
We need your support
(donationaccount:Kookmin Bank 360102-04-096756songjungsook)
The Catholic Faithful for Defense of Magisterium
SONG, Jung-sook Clara ex-Health &Welfare Minister,
KIM, Kang-hee Pius President, AIN Company,
KIM, Song-ja Gemma ex-Labor Vice Minister,
YOO, Kun-il Thomas writer,
PARK, Wha-jin Alexander ex-editor-in-chief, Seoul Daily,
SON, Jung-sik Michael ex-President, Association of Fishery Ports,
YANG, Young-tae Michael President, Association for Free Press,
YOO, Jae-kapLucianus ex-professor, Kyunggi University,
RYU, Cheol-hee Paulus ex-Vice Governor, Chungnam Province,
YOON, Jin-sung Alexander ex-journalist,
LEE, Gye-sung Simin ex-Principal, Yangchon High School,
LEE, Byung-sooLudovicus ex-President, Doosan Machinary Company,
LEE, Jae-young Specialist, Traditional Costume,
LEE, Han-sooAugustinus ex-President, Seoul Daily,
YIM, Kwang-kyu Benedict Attorney-at-Law,
CHOE, Jong-tea Laurentius President, Association of 6.25 War Veterans' Association
(If such an illegal organization as CPAJ ceases to exist, we return to polite parishioners and normal supporters of religious orders.)
This is the Announcement on Chosun Daily newspaper, dated Feb9, 2011.